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Pampa Corporation Resources

Argentina's Renewable Energy Initiative

President Macri rejected the policies of the prior administration, and made growth in energy production (...)

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Pampa Corporation

Improving Economic Outlook for Argentina

Abundant natural resources combined with growth-oriented economic initiatives (...).

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Pampa Corporation

Public Policy under the Macri Administration

Fiscal Responsibility, Economic Growth and Renewed Prosperity. Re-establishing a Business and Investor-Friendly (...)

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Pampa Corporation

RenovAr - Tender resolution

Energía Eléctrica de Fuentes Renovables. Convocatoria Abierta. Resolución 275-E/2017

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Pampa Corporation

Renewable Energy Argentina

The global transition to renewable energy is accelerating in Argentina (...)

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Pampa Corporation

World Bank Foder Guarantee

International Bank for reconstruction and development project appraisal document (...)

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Pampa Corporation

Law Act 21.191: New Framework for Renewable Energy Sources

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Pampa Corporation

Resolution 281-E/2017: Large-User Demand and Private PPAs

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Pampa Corporation Management